Here at River Street Dental we save teeth with Root Canals. Our office is able to provide the service to any tooth in your mouth in one visit.
Root canal treatment is used to save teeth which would otherwise need to be removed. A Root Canal is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (known as the pulp) is infected through decay or injury.
Sometimes, due to trauma or decay the “nerve” inside the tooth dies off (please do not confuse that with your “tooth” being dead, that is simply not true!). Any passing bacteria find this a source of nourishment and proceed quickly reproduce. Your body can’t do anything about this infection because along with the nerve dying, the blood supply to the tooth dies off too, so the body can’t send in antibacterial cells (white blood cells) to attack the bacteria. Eventually, the bacteria start to spill out of the tooth and into the tiny space between the tooth and the jawbone. This starts an abscess, the body reacts to the invasion by pouring in defensive cells, which kill most of the bugs in the area, but still can’t get to the source of the problem, which is in the tooth.
Some indications for a root canal are:
Pain while biting
Sensitivity to hot or cold
Deep decay
Blunt injury to the tooth
What is root canal therapy?
Dr. Carroll will thoroughly examine your tooth to determine if the nerve is infected. The exam includes x-rays and checking the health of the tooth with a pulp tester. Additionally, Dr. Carroll may also apply cold and heat, tap on the tooth to see if sensitive or press gently on gums around tooth to check for pain.
The treatment involves:
Making an opening through the crown of the tooth and into the pulp chamber
Removing the pulp. The root canal space is cleaned, enlarged and shaped to a form that can be filled.
A medication is placed into the pulp chamber and root canal space to help get rid of any germs and prevent infection.
A temporary filling is placed in the crown opening to protect the tooth before your next visit. Alternatively, a permanent filling or crown may be started the same day. Many times crowns are recommended to protect teeth that have had Root Canal Therapy because the tooth is weakened overall.